Nationwide Testimonials

I got home late last night from our wonderful family trip to Newry, Maine, and I want to tell you how absolutely fabulous all the food we received from Batya's Kitchen was! Everything travelled perfectly and arrived safely and completely frozen, even though the delivery was delayed by a day due to Federal Express not having sufficient delivery staff. We were all impressed that everything reheated perfectly, and tasted fresh and delicious! I appreciated all of your suggestions for items to order. We had a great variety of foods, something for everyone, and the amounts were also just right. Shabbat was especially terrific with all of the food we had from you. I can't thank you enough because the food absolutely was a major factor contributing to everyone's enjoyment of our family reunion! It made all the difference for me, because I could spend more quality time with my children and grandchildren. I am especially grateful for your excellent communication with me every step of the way and for interceding with Federal Express as you did to get the food delivered.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so very much, again, for all of your help and providing us with amazing, wonderful kosher meals in the middle of Maine!
Susan L.
Good morning
Tysm for making our pesach enjoyable with your yummy food ...your crumb cakes were gone in minutes!!!
May Hashem continue to give you strength to provide this wonderful service to klal yisroel!!
We look forward to ordering again soon for simchas iyh!!!
Wishing you and your family a healthy summer iyh!!!!
Happy Customer
To Batya,
This is Ilana G.
I'd like to thank you for the food you made for us. It was excellent and we enjoyed it. It made our pesach more enjoyable.
Again, compliments to the chef.
Sincerely, Ilana G.
My name is Sonny G. from Lawrence and I just wanted to tell you how beautifully you packed the food for yom tov and as I'm eating some salmon right now it tastes as good as it was packed
Ira G., President/CEO
I just want to let you know that we really enjoyed your delicious, neatly packed and organized pesach dishes. The kids kept complimenting me and I kept having to tell them that I didnt make anything! Your service is very impressive! Hatzlacha!
All the best, Tehilla D.
Thank you so much for your delicious food, packed beautifully and great instructions. It really enhanced our Yom Tov. Have a gut moed.
Chanie Z.
Thank you so much. Everything was delicious!!! The big hits were....everything. But more than a few relatives commented tonight how they had never in their life (!!!!) tested such incredible latkes and when they asked me "how did you make them? they were better than anything I've ever had before", I smiled and said "". lol
Thank you!
All the best, Alissa
Hi! Just want to let you know that the service and food were absolutely amazing!!! Ty
Hi! Hope u had a great Pesach. I just wanted to THANK YOU for all your help in planning and making our Pesach delicious enjoyable and easier.! My family and I LOVED all the food!!! Everything was PERFECT!
Looking forward to working together in the future.
Just wanted to tell you how delicious everything was over YT! As usual....
Thank you so much!
Tysm! Everything was amazing, came in pristine condition and on time! Looking forward to next time iyH.
Thks again!! The food was delicious loved it!!!
All your food is always finished till the bottom :)
We are your biggest fans!
Hi Batya! It's Paula L. I just wanted to tell you how DELICIOUS and PERFECT all the food was for Pesach. We were all so happy and looked forward to your wonderful cooking!
THANK YOU to you and to all who made our Pesach all the more enjoyable .
We hope you had an enjoyable Pesach as well.
Looking forward to working with you in the future.
All our Best,
Paula L. and family.
Bh, food was great. Thank you for helping make Pesach less stressful. Along with your order and my cooking I was able to entertain my family over the entire pesach in Florida.
Hi gut vuch. Your food was amazing. My grandson ate like never before. We all enjoyed. Additionally the packaging and presentation was great. No leaking!! I noticed it all Hope you had wonderful Yom Tov. I was able to rest a bit and have peace of mind I cooked Some things but with much less pressure and stress Be well Thanks again
Rave reviews about food, thanks!! Was perfect!
Just a short note to let you know how wonderful the food was. Everything was seasoned perfectly and everyone truly enjoyed. We will be calling again next year. Thank you so much!! Chag Semach!
Thank you so much for your delicious food, packed beautifully and great instructions. It really enhanced our Yom Tov.
Have a gut moed.
Just want to say thank you for making our Yom Tov so special !! Food was amazing Ty ty
I want to thank you so much for giving Aviva food for yomtov!! She and I were both so touched that you and Batya did not charge her for it. Thank you so much!! I really appreciate and am sorry things are so crazy here that I did not text you sooner. (I'm teaching live over to my classes etc)
She was all alone for yomtov and even had to work chol hamoed because things were so bad at the hospital but your food helped tremendously and also feeling so appreciated by you!! but we all really enjoyed the food- including my mother in north miami beach who was also all alone for yomtov in her house and my married daughter here who had to make her first pesach but at least had food from you so thank you very much!! :):) B"H I was able to share with them because most of my kids did not make it here for Pesach
Happy Customer